The premium tier of Gizmo is our Agency plan - it's the most effective way to create different campaigns for different clients, and easily manage who has access to each. Gizmo Agency is definitely a great tool for your team! 


1. To access the Brands page, click on the "Brands" tab in the left menu.


Blank Campaigns Page - Gizmo


2. On the Brands page you'll see your current brand, which is created automatically based on your company information, and any other brands that have been created within your company. You can click "Manage" beside each company to manage the details and users, search in the box on the right for specific brands that you have worked on, or use the button underneath the search box to create a new brand.


Brand Page - Gizmo


3. The Brands table on the Brands page displays all your brands as rows in a table. If you click on the "Manage" button within the row of a brand, you'll be taken to the campaign page of that brand and be able to see all the campaigns (including live, paused, ended and draft campaigns) that are owned by that brand. Here you can also create a new campaign, or use the buttons on the right to edit your brand profile and view people who have access to this brand.


Manage Brand Page - Gizmo


4. When you click the "View Brand Users" button on the page of a specific brand, you'll see the Brand Users page. Here you can see all current and pending users, and invite more users to join this brand. It's a great way to give access to your clients so they can view and edit the campaigns for a particular brand, without giving them access to other campaigns! If you'd like to invite a user to the brand, fill in their name and email address in the form on the right and choose what level of access they should be given, then click "Submit". They'll be sent an invitation via email and have a week to accept it before it expires. When they click the link in the email to accept the invitation they'll be taken to the Gizmo sign up page to create a Gizmo account - check out our "Creating and Account (Gizmo)" article for more information on the sign up process. Once they've finished creating their account you'll see them displayed in the brand under "Users" rather than "Pending Invitations". 


Empty Brand Users Page - Gizmo


5. If you'd like to edit the Brand Profile, navigate from the main Brand page to the brand you'd like to edit by clicking on the "Manage" button in the Brands table of the brand you'd like to change, then select "Edit Brand Profile" from the menu on the right. This is where you can change the name and description of the brand - make sure to click "Save" to keep the changes you've made.


Edit Brand Page - Gizmo


6. If you'd like to create a new brand, click on "Brands" in the left menu to go back to the main Brands page. Select "Create New Brand" from the buttons on the right, and then fill in the Brand name and description. Click "Save" to save your changes.


Empty Create New Brand Page - Gizmo


That's all there is to Brands in Gizmo! We've worked hard to make managing many different client campaigns as easy as possible. If you have any trouble or would like a hand, feel free to get in touch with our support team - you can reach them at [email protected]