Customization is the best way to add value to your game! You can easily replace the images in each game with your own branding and assets, and use your game to make a positive impact on your customers. First you'll need to create a campaign and choose a game - check out the rest of our help documentation to learn more about these steps.

1. After you've created a campaign and entered in your campaign details, then you can customize the game. Use the "Select a screen" dropdown box in the menu on the right to select which game screen you'd like to customize - each game has multiple screens, each with different assets that can be replaced.


Customize Game - Gizmo


2. Once you've chosen a screen to work on, then you can replace the assets displayed on that screen. You can replace the key images one by one, or you can download a folder of the assets across the whole game and re-upload the folder with edited assets to replace them all at once. The "Bulk Download Game Assets" and "Upload Game Assets .Zip" buttons to do this are in the menu on the right, and in the element list above them you'll be able to find the dimensions for each image.

Some games have one image with multiple images in it - Flipper, for example, is a memory card flipping game that has many different card images, but they are grouped together in two main images named card sheets. This helps the game to load faster, as it downloads fewer images, so it is programmed to pull out card images based on where they are in the card sheet (it knows to get the first purple card from the top left, for example). When you edit your images in a game such as this, make sure to upload your images in one image ("card sheet") in the same way, so that the game still pulls out the right image. If you try to upload the images separately the game won't know what to display.

Clicking on "Bulk Download Game Assets" will download a zip file called "". When you put together your folder to re-upload, make sure your files have the same name as the original folder and that the index.html file is still in there - if it gets accidently deleted Gizmo won't accept your new folder, because it won't know how to run the game! You can always go back into the original folder that you downloaded (or download the game asset folder again) and copy the index file across to your new folder if this happens. 

Once you've extracted the files from the folder, you'll be able to see all the assets for the game. The folder includes:

  • An images folder, with the images from the game
  • A libs folder, with JavaScript files that are needed for the game to run
  • A sfx folder, with the music and sound effects of the game
  • A game JavaScript file, which is needed for the game to run
  • An index HTML file, another code file needed for the game to run

The images and sfx folders are where you'll find the assets that can be replaced. Make sure you keep image sizes the same to ensure the proportions don't stretch out, and ensure the file names are the same too so they load correctly in the game. Once you've finished making changes, re-zip the folder and upload it to Gizmo using the "Upload Game Assets .Zip" button. folder - Gizmo


3. If you'd like to just replace a few of the images with your own, rather than replace lots of them at once, there are two ways to do this - you can either click on the asset displayed in the screen preview, or select it from the list of elements in the menu on the right. Either way, you'll be given a popup menu to chose whether you want to replace, edit, or download the image.


Replace Game Image in Preview - Gizmo


Replace Image in Dropdown - Gizmo


4. If you choose to replace the image you'll be given the option to upload an image from your computer. If you choose to edit the image then a Gamify editor will pop up and allow you to crop the image, change the brightness, contrast, warmth, saturation, and sharpness, draw on the image, or add text. If you choose to download the image it will be saved to your downloads folder, where you can then edit it using your preferred editing software.


Edit Image - Gizmo


5. Once you've finished replacing and editing the assets in your game, make sure you click "Continue" at the top of the page and navigate through the rest of the steps to publish your game. You don't need to update anything in the rest of the steps if you don't want to, but you do need to make sure you re-publish the game so that your changes are saved and visible to your players.


Congratulations on customizing your game! It's a great way to add your own branding to a game. If you have any trouble or would like a hand, feel free to get in touch with our support team - you can reach them at