Thanks for trying out our app! When you upgrade your Gamify for Wix package to Silver or Gold you gain access to the form functionality, which is great for understanding your players better.
1. First, make sure you are on one of our Silver or Gold packages, as this ensures the form functionality is available for you to use.
2. For the game that you would like to add a form to, click on the settings icon and select the "Edit game" button.
3. Navigate through the Preview and Game Detail pages until you reach the "Add a Custom Form" page, then ensure the "Add a form to your game" box is ticked. By default only one field is added - click on the green “Add” button to add more fields to your form.
4. There are 14 fields available, and after you have added another field you can select which field you would like it to be by using the dropdown box on the right. You can mark whichever fields you like as required, and remove any that you no longer want by clicking the small “x” in the top right corner of the field that you don't need.
5. To save your changes, click on "Next Step" in the bottom right to publish your game.
That's all there is to it! Once you've enabled forms then that data will be collected and saved for you. Check out the rest of our Knowledge Base articles to learn how to export your form data and give rewards to players. If you have any trouble or would like a hand, feel free to contact our support team at [email protected].