Gamify has multiple plans to choose from when upgrading your Gamify for Wix app, as well as two different subscription periods, giving you all the flexibility you need to get the best games on your site. It's quick and easy to upgrade today!


1. Log into Wix and click “Select & Edit Site” to open the website that you would like to upgrade Gamify for. 


Edit Site - Wix


2. In the menu on the left hand side, scroll down to “Apps” and then click “Gamify - Game Maker”. 


Gamify App in Menu - Wix


3. Here you can see all your games, along with a green “Upgrade” button in the lower left corner. Click this button to choose which plan to upgrade to. 


Upgrade Button - Wix


4. Select the plan that you’d like to upgrade to. 


Plan Features - Wix


5. Select a subscription period.


Subscription Period - Wix


6. Enter in your card details and then click “Submit Purchase” to complete the upgrade. 


Payment Info - Wix


Congratulations on upgrading your app! Feel free to check out our Youtube channel for great tips and tricks, or have a look through the rest of our Knowledge Base articles for more information on using Gamify for Wix. If you have any trouble or would like a hand, you can reach our support team at [email protected]